saltines & sardines

Further thoughts on the loaves and fish . . . Sometimes our five loaves and two fish look more like a handful of stale saltine crackers and a sardine carcass. We had wanted to wait until our five loaves and two fish looked more like a special delivery from Dean and...

my offering

A meditation for you this week: You may be facing the insurmountable, or so it feels. Swirling from too many demands, too little resources. In the chaos of those feelings—and they are chaotic, fragmenting, corrosive—could we stop? Stop moving our bodies. Stop moving...

october in pictures

I always love the transition from one month to the next because I get to reflect back and document my month in pictures for you here. Always fun to sift back through images, remembering captured moments. Here is October in pictures. Enjoy! October started off with a...

Women in the Trenches — Susan Meissner

Periodically, I’m going to introduce you to an AMAZING woman in our ongoing series, “Women in the Trenches.” I started this series as a way to highlight women I admire, am inspired by, want to learn a bit about life from. These are women I want to...


Last week, I wrote to you about making a manageable commitment to ourselves and then following through. As we make good on these commitments, we learn to trust ourselves again. We send the message to ourselves that we’re worth fighting for, our projects matter, our...