Who is Breathing Room written for?

  A few thoughts on who Breathing Room is written for . . . I wrote Breathing Room because I was in search of space, and I needed to know how to find some in my own life. My soul felt tight, and if you’re interior world has ever felt tight, then you know...

sharing the love

Well, friends, Breathing Room is making her way out into the world. Here she is in NYC at my dear friend Joanna’s gorgeous apartment. What a life. That book has it good. It was so very fun to see you sharing your photos of Breathing Room yesterday as some of you...


Just about exactly four years ago, I wrote a guest post for a fellow author’s website. He asked me to write about how doubt was currently coinciding with my faith. I was up to my eyeballs with twenty-month-old twins and my own anxious swirling — how I was...

we don’t have that kind of time

It’s way too easy and way too tempting to believe that what we have to offer isn’t enough or doesn’t matter. Way. Too. Easy. It’s subversive to show up — fragility and all, vulnerability and all, humanity and all. Here’s to getting...

on hope and heartbreak

A bit of video for you today . . . me talking about hope and heartbreak. (I acknowledge that my hair is a little bit crazy. Hopefully, you can see past that situation.) 🙂 May he bind up the brokenhearted today, wherever you are out...