We are less than two weeks away from the release of my 6th book (WHAT!?!?!?), Hope Anyway. This book was born in the darkness and the words that arrived were a constant reminder to keep looking for the light.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing any kind of loss, disorientation, or hopelessness, this book will link arms with you and whisper in your ear that there is always a hand reaching toward you. Always. It may not be the hand you expected or asked for, but it is there, nonetheless. I want to show you what that’s looked like in my own story.

Hope Anyway releases August 17, so that means you have a little less than two more weeks to claim the preorder bonuses we’re offering. Preorder bonuses are simply an author’s way of saying THANK YOU for taking the time and energy and expense to preorder her book, which matters greatly in the world of publishing.

You can read all about and claim the preorder bonuses for Hope Anyway here, but let me tell you a bit about them since you’ve stopped by:

If you order Hope Anyway in any format and from any retailer before August 17, you are eligible to claim ALL of the following:

+ the audiobook version of Hope Anyway, read by ME!

+ beautifully designed digital quotes from the book

+ the ebook version of my book, Begin Again

+ a behind-the-scenes podcast conversation with me and my dear friend (and licensed therapist), Elaine Hamilton of the Soul Care House

I don’t want you to miss these awesome thank you gifts, so be sure you preorder SOON, and then go grab your extras.

I firmly believe there’s always a hand reaching toward you, and maybe —just maybe—Hope Anyway might help you see that hand. Thank you, in advance, for supporting the message of this book. May it find you at the perfect time.

Love upon love,


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