Jason Boyett, established author and new friend, invited me to guest post on his blog recently. His latest book, O Me of Little Faith, is about doubt and spirituality, and he asked me to talk about doubt in my own terms and my own experience. The piece posted today, so I thought I’d point you to it in case you wanted to take a look: http://blog.beliefnet.com/omeoflittlefaith/2010/09/leeana-tankersley-the-swirling-waters.html#comments

I feel like this piece captures or represents much of what I’ve been thinking about lately . . . where does God and my believing intersect with the realities — minute and profound — of my every day life. How might I experience God in this day, in this present moment, in this very breath? An invitation to be awake, alive, whole, and terribly honest.

Enjoy . . . and I hope you find yourself in the story somewhere.

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