It’s never easy to share your “gray” feelings about something with the rest of the world. You know, those feelings that are neither black nor white, the kind that loom in the shadows remaining unresolved. When I have the courage, I try to expose my places of wrestling with others because I often find others are wrestling, silently, right along with me.

To that end, I’ve been working on a piece for the CNN Belief Blog, a very honest and personal reflection on my conflictions surrounding the war. The piece posted this morning! I’m interested to see what kind of discussion it creates. Please check it out and join the dialogue.

Here’s a teaser . . .

Unknowingly, I took a bullet to the gut when I married Steve, a shot right through me that has left me tender and at times doubled over.

No one ever told me that marrying a Navy SEAL would leave me so vulnerable. At first, the job seemed sexy and noble, being the wife of a clean-cut pirate with health insurance and a retirement. Who could resist his green eyes in that camouflage uniform?

And then we went to war.


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