I’m very excited to be newly writing for both www.wivesoffaith.org and www.faithdeployed.com, two sites that provide incredible resources, encouragement, and support to military families worldwide. You can read my first post, “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow,” on www.wivesoffaith.org.

Sara Horn (founder of Wives of Faith) and I share a fabulous editor at Zondervan. Sara’s latest book, God Strong: The Military Wife’s Spiritual Survival Guide, just released in February. If you know of a military wife who could use some company and care, please pass on all these resources. So many of our military families are stretched and thinned and isolated, and they really need to know they are not alone.

Even though you might not be a member of our military personnel, I hope “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” is meaningful to you. After being up with sick babies last night (Lane was awake from 10:30pm-1:30am, including an awesome barf, and Luke was up from 3:00-4:00am — thanks, Steve, for getting up), I am revisiting the message of that post already and trying to breathe in its truths.

Hope today finds you believing despite what you can or can’t see.

Love upon love.

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