I met Rachel Held Evans a few weeks ago at the Calvin College Writing Festival. She’s got a very vital blog community, and her first book — Evolving in Monkey Town — releases this month from Zondervan. I’ve been following Rachel’s blog since meeting her, and I was really anticipating her interview of Brian McLaren, which jumps off from his most recent book, A New Kind of Christianity.

Check out the interview on Rachel’s blog, and let me know what you agree with and what you disagree with. Also, if you’ve read A New Kind of Christianity, please let us know what you think of it. Of course, please make your comments with grace and kindness (especially the disagreeing variety).

I feel like McLaren’s voice is an important one and especially respond to his courage in the face of great criticism. He has started some necessary dialogue, thinking, and assessing. All of which are important in today’s “believers.”

Thanks, Rachel, for an interesting post.

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