
Think of a person in your life who loves you, a person who believes in you and stands up for you and defends you (even when s/he has to defend you from yourself). A person who reminds you that you are DOING IT. A person who makes you feel beautiful when you thought you were merely the world’s biggest barnacle.

Think of that person. The person who tells you, “You know when you were cleaning poop out of the bathtub the other day? Yeah, I thought you had never looked sexier.”

(And if you don’t have a person like that, then I will be that person for you. Go back through this blog and read and you will see that I am here for you in that way — to tell you that you CAN do it, that you’re not failing even though you might be struggling, that you can be alive and awake in this world, that you are already worthy.)

OK, are you thinking of her? Are you thinking of him? Do you have that person in mind?

Here’s my challenge for all of us on this Monday:

How can we begin to see ourselves the same way that person sees us?

Let’s do something revolutionary together. Let’s decide to be SOULDIERS — radical defenders of our own soul.

What does it mean to you to “radically defend your own soul?” What does that look like in your life today?

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