Thanks so much for all of your amazing comments about my new tattoo and the story behind it.

We need to know that life isn’t about bowing down to fear, anxiety, people’s perceptions of us, or our own shame. Despite the fact that it’s uncomfortable, I believe so many of us are wanting to honor the free, intuitive voice inside instead of always listening to the anxious, fear-based, shame-based voice. I think we’ve all had it with being silenced and edited, even if — especially if — we’ve been the one silencing and editing ourselves.

And the world is in such great need of us showing up and speaking up with our true voice and not some diluted version of who we believe others need us to be in order for us to be accepted and loved.


In some small or large way, I just encourage you to show up where and when you have previously allowed yourself to be silenced. With wisdom, of course. With discernment, of course. But if something is nudging your soul, I just want to cosign on that nudge, and give you permission to take a deep breath and . . . become. Speak. Sing. Roar.

treat yourself

I’m encouraging all of us to take one step closer toward being on our own team.

Amen and amen.

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