breathing room book club image

I’m very excited to announce an online book club I’ll be hosting right here on my blog this fall for my book Breathing Room! If you’re like me, this time of year ushers in a bit more structure than summer, and I like the punctuation the schedule provides. Don’t get me wrong, I love the flexibility of summer too, but it feels good to transition into days with a bit more shape to them. No better time than the fall to kick off a good book discussion.

Here’s how it will work: Starting next Tuesday, September 1, I’ll be covering two chapters each week from Breathing Room, including the Prelude and the Postlude. So it will take us through the week of November 30. 14 weeks total. I’ll be posting my own editorial thoughts on each chapter — what stands out to me as significant, what I hope you take away, what I’m still thinking about, etc. And then I’ll leave you with some questions that we can discuss in the comments, if you’re interested.

So you’ve got one week to get your hot little hands on a copy of the book and get the Prelude read (it’s only like 7 pages). And I’ll post my musings on the Prelude on Tuesday, September 1, right here! Then later that week, I’ll post on chapter 1 . . . and we’ll be off to the races!

If you’ve been looking for a time to read Breathing Room, this is it! Come join the discussion. It will be so much more fun with your fabulous self involved. Oh, and why not grab a friend or two to join you virtually. This is a great way to enjoy a book club with friends around the globe.

Happy reading, dear friends!


P.S. I’ll also be sprinkling in posts on other topics, too, so I’m looking forward to a fun fall with you!

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