Here’s the latest installment of our book club . . . from my dining room to yours!

In early drafts of the manuscript, I titled this chapter “Talking Back to the Toxic Voices” and then in later drafts I changed “Toxic Voices” to “Brain Vultures” because that phrase said it all for me. Feeling like road kill; getting picked apart mercilessly. Often hitting us where it hurts the very most, where we’re most wounded and vulnerable.

So, instead of staying in the ring with myself, I’m learning to get in the ring with the lies — question them, push back against them, instead of letting them own me.

OK, your turn . . .

What’s your strategy for dealing with the toxic voices? 

What are some of the messages the brain vultures try to get you to believe about yourself or others?

What resonates with you from this chapter/post?

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