
Tender Friends . . .

It’s HERE! It’s HERE!

I am SO thrilled to share the FREE Brazen Group Study Guide with you! With the Group Guide, you and a handful of your favorites, can go through Brazen in 6 weeks, with an optional 2 weeks added at the end for Brazen Boards. I’ve included ideas on getting your group going, discussion prompts, and little bits of homework here and there to help you put Brazen into practice!

All you need to do is go HERE and follow the prompts. You’ll get the Group Guide right in your inbox! 

So grab some friends and put together your very own summer book club and lean into the invitation in your life to be BRAZEN. It’s time!!!


And if you do — if you form a group and go through the book together — PLEASE post a picture of your group somewhere online and tag me. I’m @lmtankersley on Insta and Twitter. And I’m Leeana Tankersley on FB. You can also use #beingbrazen and #brazenboard and I’ll be sure to find you. I cannot wait to see all your gorgeous faces holding up those hot pink books!

Here’s to a Brazen Summer!



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