Slowing way down this morning. Inching my way to a bit of breathing room. Fire in the fireplace. Tree lit. Candles burning. Coffee in this darling new mug (given away to all in attendance at a fabulous Christmas Soiree I spoke at last night!).
Mainly because we had a hard start to the morning with me saying as we pulled out of the driveway on our way to school, “Man everyone’s kind of a mess this morning, huh.” To which Luke replied, “Yeah, Mommy. Especially you. You’re the biggest mess of all.”
So I’m doing myself – and everyone in my household, apparently – a favor. I’m heeding my own message and I’m finding my way to the space, the breath, the center. I’m beginning again, because soul care and self care don’t just happen. We make our way to them. We fight for them. And then we do it again. Because the time doesn’t usually get handed to us. The universe doesn’t carve out the space for us.
So other things are waiting while I breathe. Breathe and begin again.
I offer hospitality to others because I have first offered it to myself. I offer grace to others because I have first offered it to myself. I offer compassion and care and nurture to others because I have first offered all those things to myself. Here I am, practicing these truths again, just for today.
What is one thing you’re doing for yourself today that will help keep you from becoming, in the words of Luke Tankersley, the biggest mess of all?
Me? Today, as I pulled back into the driveway and took a few deep breaths, I heard God say to me in a very clear voice, “Leeana, go feed yourself.” It’s pretty simple when you get right down to it. Today, I’ll be nourishing myself. What am I hungry for? What are you hungry for? Perhaps that’s as good a place as any to start.
God bless the broken road,