here’s the thing . . . i’m so insanely soft when it comes to hearing your stories.

i was going to choose 5 winners randomly, but when i read what you guys wrote . . . your incredibly beautiful comments, your incredibly beautiful journeys, your tender words . . . i decided that everyone who commented would win a free book. so those of you who got your comments in before the deadline (noon EST on may 7), YOU WIN!

please email me at leeana (at) gypsyink (dot) com and send me your mailing address so i can put a copy in the mail to you. if you’d like it personalized, let me know that too. you can also message me through Facebook with your address and other particulars.

do me a favor . . . when you’re done reading it, pass it on. or, even better. mark yours up and then buy a new copy for someone else. that would be the hugest gift to me.

this blog has become a place that has changed me . . . a place where i can share the rawest edges of my journey and dialogue with you all about life, faith, recovery, writing, loss, grief, hope, and so much  more. thank you for being a place where there “is a lot of give in the fabric” (to quote Lauren Winner). i hope this community of fellow gypsies continues to be a place of companionship and healing for you.

all my love,


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