In addition to my own blog, I guest blog for a couple of military support sites that provide amazing resources for military families and spouses. I always like to provide a link when one of my piece’s posts because I want you to know sites like these exist in case you have a military spouse in your life that needs some support and encouragement. This month, my post is about hope and peace even in the midst of chaotic circumstances, drawing on one of my last nights in Bahrain. Enjoy:

A couple of months ago, I posted a video clip of me talking about “The Woman at the Mosque,” a story I first told in Found Art. That piece came from a longer interview with Craig Spinks of Craig mined some other points from that interview and put together a second video, “Bring Me Your Questions.” I like the video because it just reminds me that it is OK to approach my faith as a process and to give myself grace as I live in the gray fray of believing. Enjoy:

At my church on Sunday, one of our pastors, Andy, talked about evangelism. A word that causes cringes worldwide. He did a masterful job. Perhaps this video might be a way you could reach out to someone who has dismissed Christianity as a black and white proposition. Perhaps this could create some dialogue.

Lastly, I was at a writing conference last month, and I started talking with a woman who writes a column for a local paper here in San Diego. We realized that we had something in common: her son is at the Naval Academy presently and my husband is a 1996 Naval Academy grad. We talked a bit about Steve’s job, and then she asked me if she could do a column about me in her paper. I agreed, and then was really moved when I read the article today. Thank you, Suzy, for such an encouraging tribute. Enjoy:

All three of these posted today, so I just wanted to share. Pass along to someone who might need to hear one of these messages.

Love upon love.

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