come on in

This weekend, I got to attend an amazing conference in South Carolina. The theme of the conference was hospitality, and let me just say, the whole idea has really got me thinking. I got to hear so many voices and stories, all with different takes on and different...

life saving

This Monday morning I’m reflecting on and recovering from a gloriously full weekend. The Flood Women’s event I wrote about last week was beautiful and soulful and as tender as it gets. My sense is that so many of us want to begin telling a different story,...

special event

I’m so thrilled to be involved in a women’s event this weekend at my home church, Flood, here in San Diego. For those of you in the area, there’s still time to register! Here’s a bit more information: I’ll be doing the two main sessions,...


Happy Friday, dear friends. I had a 3am wake-up this week where all I could think about was ebola and beheadings and my precious children going out into this gnarly, gnarly world. I don’t know where it all came from (and why it ALWAYS descends at 3am!) but there...

happy release day!

The journey of Breathing Room in pictures . . . Makes me think of the following line from Lao Tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”                  ...