Update, Part Two

As I’ve shared previously, Steve and I have been in a season of waiting. Our next set of orders from the Navy (Steve is officially back on active duty) seemed to be a bit elusive. After a slew of possible options, we now have orders. Steve will be leaving soon for the...

Update, Part One

Three weeks ago today, I had a miscarriage. The day of our first ultrasound. I was waiting until that ultrasound to announce here that I was pregnant. I was nine weeks, and somehow I had wrongly convinced myself that if you get past 6 or 7 weeks, you’re home free. It...

one foot in front of the other

The last few weeks have been filled with lots of work and lots of play. First, a week of play in Scottsdale, AZ, with Steve’s extended family. We celebrated Steve’s grandfather’s 88th birthday with a big bash, and we cherished the moments of having four generations of...

the non-fiction in my life

I thought you might want to know what books are inspiring me right now. This is the hodge-podge stack of non-ficton on my nightstand and desk at the moment. These are the books I am currently underlining, rereading, referencing, and just plain loving: When the Heart...