My dear friend, Joanna, keeps a “Gratitude Journal.” Love the concept. Life certainly has it’s deficit moments, but abundance is always present, too. Sometimes you have to look under a rock to find it, or tear up the carpet, or search between the seat cushions, but it’s there. Waiting to be found.

So, today I thought I’d practice looking for the abundance with a post of 10 things I’m grateful for:

1. Babies who have slept through the night the last handful of nights after a mind-numbing couple of weeks of night-crawling. Ughhh.

2. My husband’s support. Steady and sure.

3. Being able to live with my mom.

4. Great books/Great writers. The endless pleasure I receive from well-ordered words is true soul food for me.

5. Sharp cheddar cheese. Cut in big hunks.

6. Hope. Because it’s fleeting and so hard to harness, but right now I’ve got a little, and it means the world.

7. Help. My Dad and Step-mom are tireless in the help they provide us. Without them, I probably couldn’t go to my Growth Group every week (which would most certainly be the end of me) and Steve and I wouldn’t have nearly as much time alone as we get. It is hard to know how to repay such an extreme and consistent kindness. My friend Katie (Kiki) watches the babies for me a couple times a week so I can get some work done. She doesn’t realize how much she saves me week after week. The best part is, my kids light up when they see her coming through the door. My friend Jamie stayed the night with us a couple of nights last week while Steve was out of town for work, bringing over Fame (the movie) and Sour Patch Kids. Water to the soul.

8. Nine by Design (the new show on Bravo). I am inspired by people who raise their kids and pursue their passions. Such a rare find. And, anyone who has the guts to name their kids names like Wolfie and Five are just plain fascinating to me.

9. The conversation I had on the phone with my sister yesterday. With work and husbands and kids and too many miles separating us, I’m still savoring every word.

10. Yoga. I’m going three times a week, and I feel like I’m working some things out. It never ceases to amaze me what closing your eyes and breathing deeply can do for you.

11. (Okay, just one more). I spoke at a great event on Saturday at Camp Pendleton, hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters. My lifelong friend, Tina, invited me to be the keynote speaker and share my story and my book with this amazing group of military wives (talk about in the trenches!). Not only was it incredible to hear these women’s stories, it was such a gift for Tina to support me in that way.

Post a list of your own and inspire us all!

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